
2024-05-19 15:33

1. 雷曼事件的发生过程

 2008年6月12日,雷曼宣布:荷勃特·迈克戴德将接替约瑟夫·葛里高利任首席营运长,同时首席财务官埃林·卡兰由伊恩·劳伊特取代。有评论称此次换将是雷曼的无奈选择,这两名被炒鱿鱼的高管实际上是为整个公司管理层扛起了黑锅。此前两天,雷曼爆出二季度(2008年3月1日至2008年5月31日)预计亏损额约28亿美元,即每股收益-5.14美元。6月12日消息公布当天,雷曼股价下跌4.42%,收于22.70美元。2008年6月30日,雷曼兄弟公司股价下跌至19.81美元,跌幅高达11%。至此,该公司股价已跌至2000年5月以来的最低点。分析人士认为,市场对雷曼兄弟财务状况的信心跌至谷底,以及公司业绩持续下滑引发出售传闻是该股股价此次创出八年新低的主要原因。2008年7月11日,雷曼兄弟股价报收于14.49美元,大跌16%,起因为市场传言称其可能会受房利美和房地美事件的重大打击而步贝尔斯登后尘。2008年7月22日,华尔街上最热门的消息莫过于高盛操纵贝尔斯登和雷曼股价,该消息迅速成为纽约金融界人士在周末聚会时津津乐道的话题之一。2008年9月7日,有报道称,长期任职的雷曼兄弟欧洲和亚洲业务主管杰里米·艾萨克斯将于今年年底离任。此外,雷曼兄弟欧洲及中东首席运营官伯诺伊特·萨瓦雷特和固定收益部门主管安德鲁·莫顿也将卸任。2008年9月10日,财务报道显示,雷曼兄弟当年第二季度损失39亿美元,是它成立158年来单季度蒙受的最惨重损失。雷曼兄弟决定出售旗下资产管理部门55%的股权,并分拆价值300亿美元处境艰难的房地产资产。另外,代表苏格兰皇家银行(RBS)的律师MartinBienenstock在法庭听证会上称,该行在向雷曼兄弟索取15亿至18亿美元的债务。2008年9月12日,美国财长保尔森宣称美联储不会援助雷曼兄弟公司,雷曼兄弟股价也因此下跌13.5%,收于3.65美元,下跌至14年来的新低。9月13日,最后的救命稻草,代表美联储意志的美国银行(Bank of America)拒绝了雷曼的并购意向;2008年9月14日,国际互换和衍生产品协会(International Swaps and Derivatives Association ,ISDA)宣布允许投资者冲销与雷曼相关联的信用衍生品以避免卷入雷曼破产后引发的巨大漩涡中。 2008年9月15日凌晨1点,雷曼兄弟公司只得宣布申请11号破产保护法案。雷曼超越了1990年德崇证券(Drexel Burnham Lambert)的破产规模,美国史上规模最大的投资银行破产案从此诞生。需要指出一点,在11号法案下申请破产保护与直接申请破产是有所区别的。直接申请破产意味着企业旋即彻底死亡而不再有任何回旋的余地,只剩下被清算关张一条路;而申请破产保护则意味着公司可以在未来几个月内重组业务,死马当活马医,尽可能争取再度赢利。破产公司仍可照常运营,公司管理层继续负责公司的日常业务,其股票和债券也在市场继续交易。自雷曼宣布申请破产保护后,英国第三大银行巴克莱银行于2008年9月17日宣布,出资17.5亿美元收购雷曼兄弟公司纽约总部、两个数据中心以及部分交易资产。日本最大的证券公司野村控股(Nomura Holdings Inc., NMR)则在9月22日、23日与雷曼兄弟连续签署两项协议,收购雷曼亚太地区业务(除韩国以外)及其欧洲和中东地区的业务。法国电力业巨头法国电力(Electricite de France, EDF.YY)旗下子公司EDF Trading Ltd9月29日表示,法国电力已经同意从雷曼兄弟手中收购下属公司Eagle Energy Partners I, L.P.,此举旨在优化法国电力旗下燃气供应业务。同日,私人资本运营企业Bain Capital LLC和Hellman & Friedman LLC与雷曼兄弟达成协议,将出资21.5亿美元收购雷曼兄弟旗下包括Neuberger Berman在内的多数投资管理业务。同年10月3日,野村控股第三次与雷曼签署协议,同意收购雷曼兄弟的印度后台业务。曾经辉煌一时的雷曼在不到三周的时间里已经被肢解得四分五裂,面目全非了。至此,雷曼终于彻底坠入谷底,再也无法重见天日了。


2. 金融危机从什么时候开始的?具体时间??


3. “雷曼兄弟事件”是怎么回事?

雷曼兄弟曾四次面临倒闭   1929年股市崩盘   1973年该公司投注利率损失670万美元   1984年内部意见分歧导致被运通并购   1994年新独立的雷曼面临资金短缺   2008年大事回顾   3月 雷曼兄弟股价大落大起——将裁员5300人   4月 雷曼兄弟旗下三基金步入清算   5月 垂涎0.6市净率——巴克莱议购   6月 二季度亏损28亿——雷曼撤换总裁   7月 股价八年来首次跌破20美元   7月 传高盛操纵股价致贝尔斯登和雷曼兄弟垮台   8月 雷曼兄弟将出售400亿美元资产   9月 高层频频洗牌——资产出售事宜仍未解决   9月 三季度巨亏39亿美元——股价一日暴跌45   9月 雷曼宣布破产——总债务6130亿美元                      由于英国第三大银行巴克莱宣布退出拯救“雷曼兄弟”的行动,15日凌晨,曾为美国第四大投资银行的雷曼兄弟公司发表声明说,公司将于当日递交破产保护申请。消息一出,美元和美国股指期货齐声下跌,预示当天纽约股市开盘后可能大跌,有分析家甚至形容可能会引发“股市海啸”。美国政府乃至全球金融界担心,一旦“雷曼兄弟”遭贱卖,可能在金融界触发多米诺骨牌效应,影响整个经济形势稳定与健康。 在经历了19世纪的铁路公司破产、上世纪30年底的大萧条时期乃至十年以前的长期资产管理市场崩溃考验以后,雷曼兄弟这家拥有158年漫长历史的老牌投行今天在曼哈顿的美国破产法庭申请了破产保护,其债务总额达6130亿美元,令1990年德崇证券(DrexelBurnhamLambert)和2002年WorldComInc.的破产规模相形见绌。巴克莱银行和美国银行昨天放弃了接管雷曼兄弟的谈判,而与此同时,雷曼今年市值已经下跌了94%,迫使其申请破产保护。理查德·富尔德(RichardFuld) ——这位将雷曼兄弟变成美国不动产市场上最大资产支持债券承销商的华尔街巨擘——最终将雷曼兄弟引上了不归路。位于康涅狄格州首府哈特福德市的 Cummings & Lockwood破产事务律师兼合伙人Charles Tatelbaum称:“市场上很可能将出现‘多米诺骨牌 ’效应,原因是依靠雷曼兄弟取得融资的其他公司及个人将感受到该公司破产所带来的后果。坦白地说,此事将对美国经济造成很大损害。”


4. nolo contendere是什么意思

nolo contendere    
英[ˈnəuləukənˈtendəri]    美[ˌnolokənˈtɛndəri]    
n.    无罪申诉(刑事诉讼中,被告不认罪但又放弃申辩);

5. Apollo Global Management是什么公司

阿波罗全球管理(有限责任)公司(Apollo Global Management, LLC)系建于1990年的另类投资管理公司,由前Drexel Burnham Lambert银行家Leon Black打造。该公司专注于诸如公司重组、特殊情况、业内并购等(有经济杠杆作用的)收购(买断)交易、问题证券(或:抵押)。其总部设于纽约,在泊切斯-纽约、洛杉矶、休斯顿、伦敦、法兰克福、卢森堡、新加坡、香港、孟买等地设有(公司)驻办事处。

Apollo Global Management是什么公司

6. 谁能告诉我 :CDO历史?

最早的CDO是由Drexel Burnham Lambert I在1987年发行的。十几年后,CDO成为快速发展的资产证券之一。CDO快速的增长是收到众多理财经理,基金经理,保险公司,投资银行,退休基金的青睐。最关键的是,2001年 David X. Li介绍了Gaussian copula models,提供给CDO快速的定价方式,使CDO能够广泛的在市场流通。根据Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association,2004年CDO总共发行1570亿美元,2005年—2720亿,2006年5520亿,2007年5030亿。
  以美国为首的国际证券化市场发展已久,而且商品种类多样化,其中,CDO是近年来成长极为迅速的证券化商品之一。国际金融资产证券化市场始于1970年代,商品种类多样化,其中担保债务凭证(Collateralized Debt Obligation,CDO)是近来快速成长的证券化商品。2004年全球的总发行量为9,025亿美金,至2005年全球总发行量为6,650亿美金。在欧洲地区,该市场已经发展十分成熟;而亚洲地区的日本,CDO市场亦从2000年几乎为零的发行量,成长至2004年的3兆余日圆,发展速度相当惊人。由于CDO的利率通常较定存或是一般公债来得高,在现今的微利时代,已成为国际间相当热门的投资商品。预料担保债务凭证市场将会在未来金融领域里,占有重要的一席之地。

7. 雷曼兄弟英文介绍

Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. (Pink Sheets: LEHMQ) (pronounced IPA: /ˈliːmən/) was a global financial-services firm active prior to its bankruptcy and sale in 2008. The firm did business in investment banking, equity and fixed-income sales, research and trading, investment management, private equity, and private banking. It was a primary dealer in the U.S. Treasury securities market. Its primary subsidiaries included Lehman Brothers Inc., Neuberger Berman Inc., Aurora Loan Services, Inc., SIB Mortgage Corporation, Lehman Brothers Bank, FSB, Eagle Energy Partners, and the Crossroads Group. The firm's worldwide headquarters were in New York City, with regional headquarters in London and Tokyo, as well as offices located throughout the world.

On September 15, 2008, the firm filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection; the filing marks the largest bankruptcy in U.S. history.[2] The following day, Barclays plc announced its agreement to purchase, subject to regulatory approval, Lehman's North American investment-banking and trading divisions along with its New York headquarters building.[3][4] On September 20, 2008, a revised version of that agreement was approved by Judge James Peck.[5]

On September 22, 2008, Nomura Holdings, Inc. announced it agreed to acquire Lehman Brothers' franchise in the Asia Pacific region including Japan and Australia.[6] The following day, Nomura announced its intentions to acquire Lehman Brothers' investment banking and equities businesses in Europe and the Middle East. A few weeks later it was announced that conditions to the deal had been met, and the deal became legally effective on Monday, 13 October.[7] In 2007, non-US subsidiaries of Lehman Brothers were responsible for over 50% of global revenue produced.

[edit] Under the Lehman family (1850–1969)
In 1844, 23-year-old Henry Lehman,[9] the son of a cattle merchant, emigrated to the United States from Rimpar, Bavaria.[10] He settled in Montgomery, Alabama,[9] where he opened a dry-goods store, "H. Lehman".[11] In 1847, following the arrival of Emanuel Lehman, the firm became "H. Lehman and Bro." [12] With the arrival of their youngest brother, Mayer Lehman, in 1850, the firm changed its name again and "Lehman Brothers" was founded.[11][13]

In the 1850s Southern United States, cotton was one of the most important crops. Capitalizing on cotton's high market value, the three brothers began to routinely accept raw cotton from customers as payment for merchandise, eventually beginning a second business trading in cotton. Within a few years this business grew to become the most significant part of their operation. Following Henry's death from yellow fever in 1855,[11][14] the remaining brothers continued to focus on their commodities-trading/brokerage operations.

Emanuel and Mayer LehmanBy 1858, the center of cotton trading had shifted from the South to New York City, where factors and commission houses were based. Lehman opened its first branch office in New York City's Manhattan borough at 119 Liberty Street,[14] and 32-year-old Emanuel relocated there to run the office.[11] In 1862, facing difficulties as a result of the Civil War, the firm teamed up with a cotton merchant named John Durr to form Lehman, Durr & Co.[15][16] Following the war the company helped finance Alabama's reconstruction. The firm's headquarters were eventually moved to New York City, where it helped found the New York Cotton Exchange in 1870;[14][17] Emanuel sat on the Board of Governors until 1884. The firm also dealt in the emerging market for railroad bonds and entered the financial-advisory business.

Lehman became a member of the Coffee Exchange as early as 1883 and finally the New York Stock Exchange in 1887.[14][17] In 1899, it underwrote its first public offering, the preferred and common stock of the International Steam Pump Company.

Despite the offering of International Steam, the firm's real shift from being a commodities house to a house of issue did not begin until 1906. In that year, under Philip Lehman, the firm partnered with Goldman, Sachs & Co.,[18][19] to bring the General Cigar Co. to market,[20] followed closely by Sears, Roebuck and Company [20]. During the following two decades, almost one hundred new issues were underwritten by Lehman, many times in conjunction with Goldman, Sachs. Among these were F.W. Woolworth Company,[21][20] May Department Stores Company, Gimbel Brothers, Inc.,[22] R.H. Macy & Company,[22] The Studebaker Corporation,[21] the B.F. Goodrich Co. and Endicott Johnson Corporation.

Herbert H. Lehman
Official U.S. Senate PhotoFollowing Philip Lehman's retirement in 1925, his son Robert "Bobbie" Lehman took over as head of the firm. During Bobbie's tenure, the company weathered the capital crisis of the Great Depression by focusing on venture capital while the equities market recovered. By 1928, the firm moved to its now famous One William Street location.

Traditionally, a family-only partnership, in 1924 John M. Hancock became the first non-family member to join the firm,[18][23] followed by Monroe C. Gutman and Paul Mazur in 1927.

In the 1930s, Lehman underwrote the initial public offering of the first television manufacturer, DuMont, and helped fund the Radio Corporation of America (RCA).[24] It also helped finance the rapidly growing oil industry, including the companies Halliburton and Kerr-McGee.

Pete PetersonIn the 1950s, Lehman underwrote the IPO of Digital Equipment Corporation. Later, it arranged the acquisition of Digital by Compaq. Robert Lehman died in 1969,[25] and since that time, no member of the Lehman family has led the company. Robert's death left a void in the company, which, coupled with a difficult economic environment, brought hard times to the firm. In 1973, Pete Peterson, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Bell & Howell Corporation, was brought in to save the firm.[25] 

[edit] Merger with American Express (1969–94)
Under Peterson's leadership as Chairman and CEO, the firm acquired Abraham & Co. in 1975, and two years later merged with the venerable, but struggling, Kuhn, Loeb & Co. [25], to form Lehman Brothers, Kuhn, Loeb Inc., the country's fourth-largest investment bank, behind Salomon Brothers, Goldman Sachs and First Boston. [26] Peterson led the firm from significant operating losses to five consecutive years of record profits with a return on equity among the highest in the investment-banking industry.

Shearson Lehman/American Express LogoHowever, hostilities between the firm's investment bankers and traders (who were driving most of the firm's profits) prompted Peterson to promote Lewis Glucksman, the firm's President, COO and former trader, to be his co-CEO in May 1983. Glucksman introduced a number of changes that had the effect of increasing tensions, which when coupled with Glucksman’s management style and a downturn in the markets, resulted in a power struggle that ousted Peterson and left Glucksman as the sole CEO.[27] ,

Upset bankers, who had soured over the power struggle, left the company. Steve Schwarzman, chairman of the firm's M&A committee, recalled in a February 2003 interview with Private Equity International that "Lehman Brothers had an extremely competitive internal environment, which ultimately became dysfunctional." The company suffered under the disintegration, and Glucksman was pressured into selling the firm to Shearson, an American Express-backed electronic transaction company, in 1984, for $360 million. On May 11, the combined firms became Shearson Lehman/American Express.[27] In 1988, Shearson Lehman/American Express and E.F. Hutton & Co. merged as Shearson Lehman Hutton Inc. [28]

[edit] Divestment and independence (1994–present)
In 1993, under newly appointed CEO, Harvey Golub, American Express began to divest itself of its banking and brokerage operations. It sold its retail brokerage and asset management operations to Primerica[29] and in 1994 it spun off Lehman Brothers Kuhn Loeb in an initial public offering, as Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc. [30]

Despite rumors that it would be acquired again, Lehman performed quite well under CEO Richard S. Fuld, Jr.. In 2001, the firm acquired the private-client services, or "PCS", business of Cowen & Co. [31] and later, in 2003, aggressively re-entered the asset-management business, which it had exited in 1989.[32] Beginning with $2 billion in assets under management, the firm acquired the Crossroads Group, the fixed-income division of Lincoln Capital Management[32] and Neuberger Berman [33]. These businesses, together with the PCS business and Lehman's private-equity business, comprised the Investment Management Division, which generated approximately $3.1 billion in net revenue and almost $800 million in pre-tax income in 2007. Prior to going bankrupt, the firm had in excess of $275 billion in assets under management. Altogether, since going public in 1994, the firm had increased net revenues over 600% from $2.73 billion to $19.2 billion and had increased employee headcount over 230% from 8,500 to almost 28,600.

[edit] Response to September 11 terrorist attacks
The New York City headquarters.On September 11, 2001, Lehman occupied three floors of One World Trade Center where one employee was killed. Its global headquarters in Three World Financial Center were severely damaged and rendered unusable by falling debris, displacing over 6,500 employees. The bank recovered quickly and rebuilt its presence. Trading operations moved across the Hudson River to its Jersey City, New Jersey, facilities, where an impromptu trading floor was built and brought online less than forty-eight hours after the attacks. When stock markets reopened on September 17, 2001, Lehman's sales and trading capabilities were restored.

In the ensuing months, the firm fanned out its operations across the New York City metropolitan area in over forty temporary locations. Notably, the investment-banking division converted the first-floor lounges, restaurants, and all 665 guestrooms of the Sheraton Manhattan Hotel into office space. The bank also experimented with flextime (to share office space) and telecommuting via virtual private networking. In October 2001, Lehman purchased a 32-story, 1,050,000-square-foot office building for a reported sum of $700 million. The building, located at 745 Seventh Avenue, had recently been built, and not yet occupied, by rival Morgan Stanley. With Morgan Stanley's world headquarters located only two blocks away at 1585 Broadway, in the wake of the attacks the firm was re-evaluating its office plans which would have put over 10,000 employees in the Times Square area of New York City. Lehman began moving into the new facility in January and finished in March 2002, a move that significantly boosted morale throughout the firm.

The firm was criticized for not moving back to its former headquarters in lower Manhattan. Following the attacks, only Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, and Merrill Lynch of the major firms remained in the downtown area. Lehman, however, points to the facts that it was committed to stay in New York City, that the new headquarters represented an ideal circumstance where the firm was desperate to buy and Morgan Stanley was desperate to sell, that when the new building was purchased, the structural integrity of Three World Financial Center had not yet been given a clean bill of health, and that in any case, the company could not have waited until May 2002 for repairs to Three World Financial Center to conclude.

After the attacks, Lehman's management placed increased emphasis on business continuity planning. Unlike its rivals, the company was unusually concentrated for a bulge-bracket investment bank. For example, Morgan Stanley maintains a 750,000-square-foot trading-and-banking facility in Westchester County, New York. The trading floor of UBS is located in Stamford, Connecticut. Merrill Lynch's asset-management division is located in Plainsboro Township, New Jersey. Aside from its headquarters in Three World Financial Center, Lehman maintained operations-and-backoffice facilities in Jersey City, space that the firm considered leaving prior to 9/11. The space was not only retained, but expanded, including the construction of a backup-trading facility. In addition, telecommuting technology first rolled out in the days following the attacks to allow employees to work from home was expanded and enhanced for general use throughout the firm. [34]

[edit] 2003 SEC litigation
In 2003, the company was one of ten firms which simultaneously entered into a settlement with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Office of the New York State Attorney General and various other securities regulators, regarding undue influence over each firm's research analysts by their investment-banking divisions. Specifically, regulators alleged that the firms had improperly associated analyst compensation with the firms' investment-banking revenues, and promised favorable, market-moving research coverage, in exchange for underwriting opportunities. The settlement, known as the “global settlement”, provided for total financial penalties of $1.4 billion, including $80 million against Lehman, and structural reforms, including a complete separation of investment banking departments from research departments, no analyst compensation, directly or indirectly, from investment-banking revenues, and the provision of free, independent, third-party, research to the firms' clients.

[edit] Subprime mortgage crisis
In August 2007, the firm closed its subprime lender, BNC Mortgage, eliminating 1,200 positions in 23 locations, and took an after-tax charge of $25 million and a $27 million reduction in goodwill. Lehman said that poor market conditions in the mortgage space "necessitated a substantial reduction in its resources and capacity in the subprime space". [35]

In 2008, Lehman faced an unprecedented loss to the continuing subprime mortgage crisis. Lehman's loss was apparently a result of having held on to large positions in subprime and other lower-rated mortgage tranches when securitizing the underlying mortgages; whether Lehman did this because it was simply unable to sell the lower-rated bonds, or made a conscious decision to hold them, is unclear. In any event, huge losses accrued in lower-rated mortgage-backed securities throughout 2008. In the second fiscal quarter, Lehman reported losses of $2.8 billion and was forced to sell off $6 billion in assets.[36] In the first half of 2008 alone, Lehman stock lost 73% of its value as the credit market continued to tighten. [36] In August 2008, Lehman reported that it intended to release 6% of its work force, 1,500 people, just ahead of its third-quarter-reporting deadline in September.[36]

On August 22, 2008, shares in Lehman closed up 5% (16% for the week) on reports that the state-controlled Korea Development Bank was considering buying the bank. [37] Most of those gains were quickly eroded as news came in that Korea Development Bank was "facing difficulties pleasing regulators and attracting partners for the deal." [38] It culminated on September 9, when Lehman's shares plunged 45% to $7.79, after it was reported that the state-run South Korean firm had put talks on hold. [39]

Investor confidence continued to erode as Lehman's stock lost roughly half its value and pushed the S&P 500 down 3.4% on September 9. The Dow Jones lost 300 points the same day on investors' concerns about the security of the bank. [40] The U. S. government did not announce any plans to assist with any possible financial crisis that emerged at Lehman. [41]

The next day, Lehman announced a loss of $3.9 billion and their intent to sell off a majority stake in their investment-management business, which includes Neuberger Berman. [42][43] The stock slid 7 percent that day. [43][44] Lehman, after earlier rejecting questions on the sale of the company, was reportedly searching for a buyer as its stock price dropped another 40 percent on September 11, 2008. [44]

Just before the collapse of Lehman Brothers, executives at Neuberger Berman sent e-mail memos suggesting, among other things, that the Lehman Brothers' top people forgo multi-million dollar bonuses to "send a strong message to both employees and investors that management is not shirking accountability for recent performance."

Lehman Brothers Investment Management Director George Herbert Walker IV, second cousin to U. S. President George Walker Bush, dismissed the proposal, going so far as to actually apologize to other members of the Lehman Brothers executive committee for the idea of bonus reduction having been suggested. He wrote, "Sorry team. I am not sure what's in the water at Neuberger Berman. I'm embarrassed and I apologize." [3]

[edit] Bankruptcy
Main article: Bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers
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Lehman Brothers files for bankruptcy‎ 
Lehman Brothers headquarters in New York CityOn September 13, 2008, Timothy F. Geithner, the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York called a meeting on the future of Lehman, which included the possibility of an emergency liquidation of its assets.[45] Lehman reported that it had been in talks with Bank of America and Barclays for the company's possible sale. However, both Barclays and Bank of America ultimately declined to purchase the entire company.[45][46]

The International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA) offered an exceptional trading session on Sunday, September 14, 2008, to allow market participants to offset positions in various derivatives on the condition of a Lehman bankruptcy later that day.[47][48] Although the bankruptcy filing missed the deadline, many dealers honored the trades they made in the special session.[49]

Lehman Brothers headquarters in New York City on September 15, 2008In New York, shortly before 1 a.m. the next morning, Lehman Brothers Holdings announced it would file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection[50] citing bank debt of $613 billion, $155 billion in bond debt, and assets worth $639 billion.[51] It further announced that its subsidiaries will continue to operate as normal.[52] A group of Wall Street firms agreed to provide capital and financial assistance for the bank's orderly liquidation and the Federal Reserve, in turn, agreed to a swap of lower-quality assets in exchange for loans and other assistance from the government.[53]

The morning of September 15 witnessed scenes of Lehman employees removing computers, files, items with the company logo, and other belongings from the world headquarters at 745 Seventh Avenue. The spectacle continued throughout the day and into the following day. Some also signed a large pencil-drawn picture of CEO Richard S. Fuld, Jr., many of them denouncing him for greed and incompetence.

Lehman's bankruptcy is the largest failure of an investment bank since Drexel Burnham Lambert collapsed amid fraud allegations 18 years prior.[53] Later that day, the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) suspended Lehman's Australian subsidiary as a market participant after clearing-houses terminated their contracts with the firm.[54]

Lehman shares tumbled over 90% on September 15, 2008.[55][56] The Dow Jones closed down just over 500 points on September 15, 2008, which was at the time the largest drop in a single day since the days following the attacks on September 11, 2001.[57]

In the United Kingdom, the investment bank went into administration with PricewaterhouseCoopers appointed as administrators.[58] In Japan, the Japanese branch, Lehman Brothers Japan Inc., and its holding company filed for civil reorganization on September 16, 2008, in Tokyo District Court.[59]
