
2024-05-20 23:30

1. 1000分悬赏!


2. 200分悬赏!

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3. 120分悬赏!

General Information 

The Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (SUFE), founded in 1917, is a top-ranked, world-renowned research university. As the oldest financial university in China, SUFE has developed its own spirit over the years. SUFE places much emphasis on being industrious, having a consciousness of all things economic, and making contributions to society. With SUFE now increasingly opening itself to the outside world, it aims to showcase this spirit as well as its outstanding teaching quality. 

Focusing on Applied Economics and Management Science, SUFE’s approach is multidisciplinary, utilizing elements of finance, economics, management, law and science. China’s rapid economic expansion has much impacted SUFE, which is now bustling with activity. In 1981, SUFE became the first financial university awarded the right to grant doctoral degrees. In addition, it was among the first nine schools to be selected as an MBA Experimental Education Base and one of the first schools to set up a post-doctoral program in economics. In 1996, SUFE joined the “211 Project,” a program to build 100 key universities, after a fierce competition, and in the same year, it also became a member of another national project to build outstanding universities. In 2002, SUFE became the first mainland university to offer master’s programs in Hong Kong. Moreover, all of its programs continue to exceed world standards and are imbued with modernity, internationality and cutting-edge information. 

Centers and Research Institutes 

SUFE’s guiding principle is that scientific research is necessary for the evolution of academic disciplines and that such development in turn fosters economic growth. Accordingly, SUFE houses many dynamic think-tanks. Among the most renowned of these are the Institute of Accounting and Finance, the Institute of Finance & Economics Research, the Institute of Higher Education, the Research Center for Regional Economics, the Research Center of Public Policy, the Modern Finance Research Center, the Research Center of Marketing, the Center for Economic Philosophy Studies, the Research Center for Applied Statistics, the Research Institute of Marxism, the Institute of World Expo Economics, the Financial Education Performance Evaluation Center, and the Research Center for Top 500 Enterprises. 

Teaching Resources 

SUFE has quite advanced teaching resources. For example, there is a brand-new E-center for Independent English Learning that houses a rich selection of English-learning tools. The university also uses the Blackboard Academic Suite, which helps teachers and students electronically connect, communicate and collaborate most effectively. In addition, there are cutting-edge laboratories and abundant research materials on campus serving the fields of Finance, Economics, Accounting and Economic Journalism. Furthermore, SUFE has an internet-enabled computer network that links administrative offices, academic departments, student dormitories and classrooms.  

International Cooperation 

SUFE has embraced internationalization and regularly collaborates with such institutions as the World Bank’s Economic Development Institute (EDI), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). In addition, SUFE works well with international professional organizations, such as the UK’s Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), Canada’s Certified General Accountants (CGA), the USA’s Life Office Management Association (LOMA), the UK’s Chartered Insurance Institute (CII), and the British Insurance Actuary Association (BIAA). In addition, SUFE also cooperates with many foreign universities, including Webster University (USA), the University of Southampton (UK), the University of Brunel (UK), Deakin University (Australia), the University of Vaasa (Finland), Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and Gifu University (Japan). So far, SUFE has created six joint undergraduate programs, has signed multiple foreign-exchange agreements and has established several training centers for international examinations. 


SUFE has four campuses. The main campus, the undergraduate education hub, is on Guoding Road. The North Zhongshan No.1 Road Campus is home to MBA programs, international students and many talented professionals. The Wuchuan Road Campus is a new education base for both undergraduate and graduate students. Finally, there is the Wudong Road Campus, which is currently under construction.  

Main Features 

In all, SUFE’s undergraduate program has three main features: 1) a comprehensive, multi-pronged monitoring and evaluation mechanism, 2) a strong desire to cultivate innovative experts in Finance, Economics and Management and 3) a focus on worldwide cooperation


4. 超高悬赏!

5. 高分悬赏!能做的来





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8. 有悬赏分的哦!

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